Healthy Building

Two precious words, custodians of the main concept that should inspire every living and working environment.

Healthy Building

Two precious words, custodians of the main concept that should inspire every living and working environment.

Building – in italian EDIFICIO [from the Latin aedificium, composed of aedes, house, and facĕrem, that is to make].
Any man-made construction

Healthy – in italian SALUBRE [from the Latin salūber, derived from salus, healthand -brem, to bring].
Bringing good health

Do we live in a healthy environment?

Indoor air quality is the main element that determines the healthiness level of a building. On this page we develop insights and propose solutions to draw attention to the importance of improving indoor air quality through permanent centralised systems.

The topics developed here are the result of more than 25 years of experience in the sector. Experience shared through various collaborations with experts in healthy buildings and through the study and continuous research of the publications of the Istituto Superiore della Sanità. Living in healthy environments is the new challenge to be won and Sistem Air’s central vacuum system represents the winning card.

Health pills

Do we live in a healthy environment?

Indoor air quality is the main element that determines the healthiness level of a building. On this page we develop insights and propose solutions to draw attention to the importance of improving indoor air quality through permanent centralised systems.

The topics developed here are the result of more than 25 years of experience in the sector. Experience shared through various collaborations with experts in healthy buildings and through the study and continuous research of the publications of the Istituto Superiore della Sanità. Living in healthy environments is the new challenge to be won and Sistem Air’s central vacuum system represents the winning card.


by Giancarlo Plebani, CEO Sistem Air

t is in knowledge that the answers to difficulties can be found.
Today’s news is showing a world we didn’t want to look at. That fake bubble in which we thought we could do anything, regardless of the consequences, has vanished.

We are the result of superficial choices that chase after appearances, forgetting the most basic substance that keeps us alive.

The air that enters and leaves our lungs is no longer something invisible. We are now really realising that we are at one with the environments in which we live.
Learning that breathing clean air is the only cure for a healthy future.

It took a pandemic to awaken attention to an important and fundamental issue.

Environmental health is the first item that should guide new buildings and renovations.

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